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Catherine Venner

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Translations by Catherine Venner

Young woman wearing peach-coloured hijab and a pink jacket smiles at the camera in front of yellow building.


from Yani by Nora Khalil

In her August-Prize-nominated Yani, Nora Khalil tells a collective coming-of-age story about alienation and belonging among a close-knit group of friends in suburban Stockholm.
Translated by Catherine Venner.

Reviews by Catherine Venner

Book cover of Nora Khalil



Yani is a coming of age novel dealing with friendship, love, grief, belonging and what to do when your best friend is threatened with deportation.

book cover of Peter Kadhammar


Maos Hibiskus

Mao’s Hibiscus is a story of a decades’ long friendship between former Maoists, cemented by the obligation to look after a suitcase of money. They eventually invest the money, but their investment has fatal consequences, and everything points to the involvement of the Russian secret services.