Translations by D.E. Hurford
The Sauna Throne by Axel Åhman
At a public swimming pool somewhere in Finland, a young man decides to take a sauna. The ensuing sweaty power struggle is a hilarious, finely tuned exploration of masculinity, linguistic identity and the corrupting nature of power.
Translated by D.E. Hurford.
The Commission by Jonas Karlsson
Taken from Jonas Karlsson’s second volume of short stories, this is an intriguing and somewhat disconcerting tale of an artist unwittingly unearthing some murky secrets.
Translated by Darcy Hurford
from The Velvet Dictatorship by Anna-Lena Laurén
Esteemed journalist Anna-Lena Laurén explores democracy in Russia in this extract taken from Sammetsdiktaturen, her latest collection of essays on Russian contemporary society.
Translated by D.E. Hurford.
‘You don’t believe in war. Where in the past four decades have you seen reason prevail?’
In this recent column published on the eve of war, Anna-Lena Laurén explores the crisis in Ukraine through the prism of her own family history.
Translated by D.E. Hurford.
from The Things by Ulrika Nielsen
A poem-essay looking at the things that surround us, how they shape us and how we relate to them, Ulrika Nielsen’s The Things is thought-provoking, amusing and moving by turns.
Translated by Darcy Hurford.
Dressed for Chair No 7 by Sara Danius
Sara Danius describes her collaboration with couturier Pär Engsheden, revealing the rich cultural fabric that went into the inspired dresses they created.
Translated by Darcy Hurford.
130 Years (and Counting) of Finland-Swedish Poetry
2021 saw the publication of an anthology of Finland-Swedish poetry covering 130 years. Swedish Book Review interviewed its editors to talk about their selection, as well as more broadly about poetry and publishing in Swedish in Finland.
Geniet från Breslau
Boy meets girl at a dance school. Boy becomes a prominent scientist, girl becomes one of the first women to gain a doctorate in chemistry. Who is the genius from Breslau in Lena Einhorn's latest novel?
A collection of six interconnected short stories by Danny Wattin. Sharp and entertaining.
Adrian Perera's first novel is a claustrophobic story in four languages and plays with the reader’s assumptions from the word go.
Andrum. Om stölden av en flyktingkris och om de bestulna
Although the refugee crisis was depicted by press and politicians as a crisis in Sweden, Banke’s book is a timely reminder that the asylum seekers are in fact the ones facing a crisis.
Djävulen är en lögnare
In a novel that alternates between Finland and Cameroon, Sara Razai explores race, class, religion and belonging.
Sagan om Turid. Kungadottern
Not only is the main character a girl, but the novel looks at other aspects of Viking life, particularly religion, literacy and social distinctions.
Sovjets barnbarn. Ryssarna i Baltikum. Reportage
In Latvia, however, many people are constantly told they are Russians – however long they’ve lived there.
Jag är en tjuv
At a staff meeting, discussing ways to tackle the persistent issue of shoplifting, a security guard suggests the store deal with the problem by making culprits wear a sign saying ‘I am a thief’.
Nattexpressen is an exciting story for children that opens up opportunities for conversations on a hard topic: how to talk about people who have changed or who are no longer themselves.
Låt mig ta din hand
Alsterdal has been carving out a niche as a writer of page-turners with a political, international flavour.
Kättarnas tempel
The historical novel – often long, usually impressively researched – is very much alive.
Doktor Nasser har ingen bil: Kairo i omvälvningens tid
Thunander lets the people she meets speak for themselves – much of the text is directly quoted dialogue.
Frihetens pris är okänt. Om demokratiska revolutioner i Georgien, Ukraina och Kirgizistan
‘The problem is the same everywhere: introducing democracy hurts.’
Kaos: Ett grekiskt krislexikon
Greek has given us many words: democracy, philosophy, logic and poetry. Since the collapse of the country’s economy however, a newer, unhappier vocabulary has sprung up associated with Greece: words like troika, corruption, austerity.
The idea of a Swedish disaster story is interesting in itself. The Hollywood output of scare stories is mind-numbing, but something about setting this story in rural Sweden makes it more unsettling than the most imaginative zombie invasion; we expect the Swedish countryside to be safe and uneventful.
Sammetsdiktaturen. Motstånd och medlöpare i dagens Ryssland.
Authoritarianism, rhetoric and protest: scenes from daily life. Anna-Lena Laurén's The Velvet Dictatorship. Resistance and fellow-travellers in today’s Russia. is a highly readable collection of essays on contemporary Russia written by an expert in the area.
Homo Line
Travelling between Dimension Homesickness and Dimension Viking Line, Edith Hammar's Homo Line is a graphic novel about dislocation, gentrification, and a lesser-known aspect of wartime Helsinki.
Kvinnan utan egenskaper
Niklas Ekdal, like Stieg Larsson, has a background in journalism; and, like Larsson, he uses the thriller genre to criticise aspects of Sweden’s recent history.
Människor helt utan betydelse
The thoughts of Johan Kling's protagonist in this novel are far less meaningless than the talk of Habitat, house prices and holidays in Portugal which make up the conversations around him.
Skugga och svalka
An unconventionally told story of childhood in which photography and aesthetics play a major part, Shade and Breeze is an elusive but absorbing debut novel.
Edelcrantz förbindelser
The protagonist of Malte Persson's historical novel, like a more solemn and scientifically-inclined Mrs. Dalloway, is surrounded by interesting individuals with stories of their own.
Invasion! Pjäser noveller texter
This book brings together plays, short stories and columns by Jonas Hassen Khemiri. The result is linguistic experimentation at its funniest.
Reviews highlights series
Recent Gems in Literary Fiction
A curated list of recent gems in Swedish-language literary fiction, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Reviews highlights series
Compelling Historical Fiction
A curated list of compelling historical fiction, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Reviews highlights series
Thrilling Page-Turners
A curated list of thrilling page-turners to lose yourself in, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Reviews highlights series
Books for Young Adults
A curated list of outstanding fiction for young adults, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Handbok i klardrömmar
Lucid Dreams: A User’s Manual is a collection of stories spanning suburbia, science fiction, loneliness, violence and sheer horror from Johanna Holmström, a past master of uncomfortable writing.
På glid
A loosely autobiographical tale of touring musicians, anxiety, suicide and drug use, narrated in nail polish colours, Moa Romanova’s Off the Rails is an image-driven, witty and moving account of friendship.
Strejk. Frän satans svarta kvarnar till gigekonomin.
A closer look at the development of strikes that homes in on different aspects of industrial conflict, Jesper Hamark’s Strike. From Dark Satanic Mills to the Gig Economy offers some interesting ideas on the trade unionism and capitalism of today.
Sidenkatedralen och andra texter
A diverse collection of essays and other texts by the former permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Sara Danius, The Silk Cathedral and Other Texts delves into everything from photography to Svetlana Alexievich to Flaubert, always with a keen eye on style.
Det fallna imperiet: Ryssland och väst under Vladimir Putin
An in-depth and readable analysis of Russia and its leadership in the post-Soviet era, The Fallen Empire looks at the developments, events and rhetorical manoeuvres that led the country where it is today.
En annan Edith
Best known for her poetry, Edith Södergran (1892 – 1923) also left a substantial body of photography. In Another Edith, award-winning book designer Nina Ulmaja analyses some of these photos and links them to Södergran’s biography – and her own.
Den naturliga komedin
In Ulla Donner’s The Natural Comedy a lost leaf, a jilted mushroom and a senile forest deity come together for an unusual road trip through a destroyed forest in a visually stunning, multi-layered tale of environmental destruction that references Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Fattigt Skryt
With its appealingly coloured tales of a group of twenty-something friends that shun strict realism for a more psychological take, Cecilia Vårhed’s graphic novel Empty Boasting has fun with the genre.
A curator’s eye tour of an art museum, The Maintenance Labyrinth, Ida Börjel’s dialogue in poem form is narrated with an eye for the details of objects and their conservation, as well as subtle humour.
Vargens unge
A tense account of murder and deceit in remote forest against the backdrop of the pandemic, Johanna Holmström’s Wolf Cub keeps the reader guessing until the end.
How to mourn a death that was never talked about, without even a grave to visit? In Intertwining, Pia Mariana Raattamaa Visén articulates how loss affects three subsequent generations.
När jag var snö
Cherry trees in blossom, a dead cat, the Pleiades and mourning. In When I Was Snow Ingela Strandberg’s poetry takes us on a journey through nature where death and life go hand in hand.
Medan kriget pågår finns ingen försoning. Texter om Ryssland och Ukraina 2022-2024
While the War Is Ongoing There Is No Reconciliation is a collection of articles published in Sweden and Finland over the past two years by Anna-Lena Laurén, Russian correspondent of sixteen years.
Pythian pratar
Influencers, consumer culture and Meghan Markle writing positive messages on bananas: Liv Strömquist’s graphic novel The Pythia Talks takes on wellness culture and our fear of death.
Kattflickan och andra berättelser
Catgirl and Other Stories is a new collection of graphic short stories by Anneli Furmark that brings together evocative illustrations and melancholic humour.