from Mamma by Adrian Perera
Adrian Perera's Mamma is a genre-bending, multi-lingual, claustrophobic glimpse into the world of its protagonist, a young boy called Tony.
Translated by Kate Lambert.
Translated extract
from To Storm Skerry by Anni Blomqvist
Anni Blomqvist's series of five novels set in the Åland archipelago in the 19th century draws on events in her own family history to depict the harsh reality of life on a small, remote island.
Translated by Kate Lambert.
from Jagger Jagger by Frida Nilsson
Like Frida Nilsson’s earlier children’s books, August-Prize nominated Jagger Jagger has exclusion and isolation as its theme.
Translated by Kate Lambert
from Like the Dogs in Lafayette Park by Anneli Jordahl
In Anneli Jordahl's sharp social critique, a widow left adrift after her husband's sudden death finds catharsis in recording the unreported stories of workplace deaths across Sweden.
Translated by Kate Lambert.
Mannen i skogen
This biography by Jens Liljestrand places the author Vilhelm Moberg in his historical and cultural context and demonstrates the ways in which he was often determinedly and independently at odds with his times.
Mannerheim - Marsken, Masken, Myten
Mannerheim’s story is the story of Finland and, as well as being an account of one man’s character and career, the book makes an accessible and engaging introduction to Finland’s twentieth-century history.
Everyone carries misery with them. In her debut YA novel stand-up comedian Melody Farshin uses snappy imagery and inventive metaphor to make this book far from miserable.
Naondel: Krönikor från röda klostret
An independent prequel to the well-received Maresi, Maria Turtschaninoff's Naondel tells the story of the First Sisters – founders of the Red Abbey.
Den svavelgula himlen
Although The Sulphur-Yellow Sky begins with a crime, it is not about uncovering a mystery. More than that, it asks how complicit are those who watch, who are involved but not involved, who see but do nothing.
Onda boken
Something rotten at the heart of the Finland-Swedish academic and literary establishment.
Tre systrar och en berättare
‘The night before Ulla-Maj Holm, retired school director and former Member of the Finnish Parliament for the Swedish People’s Party in the constituency of Vaasa north, vanished without trace from the Norrvalla Rehab Centre, she dreamed about the first night of a play that never took place’.
WOW. Ansikter om finländsk arkitektur
Andersson's book is a call to arms against the sterile, anonymous, uniform and ubiquitous ‘grey boxes’ of Finnish modernism.
Borde hålla käft – en bok om Märta Tikkanen
As well as being an impeccably researched biography of Märta Tikkanen, a writer who became a Nordic feminist icon, Johanna Holmström’s Ought to shut up – a book about Märta Tikkanen is a dialogue between its author’s 21st-century #metoo feminism and its subject’s feminism of the 1970s and 1980s.
Reviews highlights series
Compelling Historical Fiction
A curated list of compelling historical fiction, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Reviews highlights series
Narrative Non-Fiction
A curated list of recent highlights in narrative non-fiction, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Judarnas historia i Sverige
Carl Henrik Carlsson's text is a comprehensive and highly readable study of Jewish history in Sweden from the arrival of Aaron Isaac in Ystad in 1774 to the present day.
Drottning Margaretas dröm
In Queen Margaret's Dream Erik Petersson brings the complexity of gaining and holding on to power in the medieval era to life through the personality of Queen Margaret, and her achievement of uniting the crowns of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1397.