Works illustrated by Linda Bondestam
Djur som ingen sett utom vi
Author Ulf Stark’s and illustrator Linda Bondestam’s illustrated book presents 27 species which no one but their creators has ever seen – in splendid colors and with ingenious rhymes.
Ni är inte min mamma
You Are Not My Mother and If You Meet a Bear, two new picture books illustrated by Linda Bondestam, have very different narratives and styles, but both reveal an artist at the height of her powers.
Om du möter en björn
You Are Not My Mother and If You Meet a Bear, two new picture books illustrated by Linda Bondestam, have very different narratives and styles, but both reveal an artist at the height of her powers.
Chop Chop: En tapper jordbos berättelse
In Chop Chop: The Story of Brave Earthling Linda Bondestam tells a complex and appealing story about a good-natured robot.