My Boys: Summer on a Swedish Island
by Gustaf af Geijerstam, translated by Paul Goldsman
Penfield Books, June 2015

Wilful Disregard: a Novel about Love
by Lena Andersson, translated by Sarah Death
Picador, June 2015

Swedish Dads
by Johan Bävman, translated by Nichola Smalley
Self published, December 2015

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend
by Katarina Bivald, translated by Alice Menzies
Chatto & Windus, June 2015

Raoul Wallenberg: the Biography
by Ingrid Carlberg, translated by Ebba Segerberg
MacLehose Press, November 2015

The Story of Mademoiselle Oiseau
by Andrea de la Barre de Nanteuil, translated by Anna Hedman
Little Gestalten, April 2015

The Key
by Sara Bergmark Elfgren and Mats Strandberg , translated by Anna Paterson
Hammer, January 2015

The Wandering Pine: Life as a Novel
by Per Olov Enquist, translated by Deborah Bragan-Turner
MacLehose Press, January 2015

White Blight
by Athena Farrokhzad, translated by Jennifer Hayashida
Argos, December 2015

The Last Lullaby
by Carin Gerhardsen, translated by Paul Norlen
Penguin, June 2015

Selected Poems
by Lars Gustafsson, translated by John Irons
Bloodaxe Books, November 2015

Smile of a Midsummer Night
by Lars Gustafsson and Agneta Blomqvist, translated by Deborah Bragan-Turner
Haus Publishing, July 2015

The Man Who Watched Women
by Michael Hjorth and Hans Rosenfeldt, translated by Marlaine Delargy
Century, June 2015

The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again!
by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg, translated by Rod Bradbury
Pan Macmillan, January 2015

The Strange Case of Thomas Quick
by Dan Josefsson, translated by Anna Paterson
Portobello Books, September 2015

Water Angels
by Mons Kallentoft, translated by Neil Smith
Hodder & Stoughton, April 2015

The Room
by Jonas Karlsson, translated by Neil Smith
Hogarth, February 2015

I Call My Brothers
by Jonas Hassen Khemiri, translated by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Oberon Books, February 2015

The Girl in the Spider's Web
by David Lagercrantz, translated by George Goulding
MacLehose Press, August 2015

When I Am Happiest
by Rose Lagercrantz, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, translated by Julia Marshall
Gecko Press, July 2015

A Manor House Tale
by Selma Lagerlöf, translated by Peter Graves
Norvik Press, August 2015

Who Cooked Adam Smith's Dinner
by Katrine Marçal, translated by Saskia Vogel
Scribe, March 2015

Never Goodnight
by Coco Moodysson, translated by Joh Thelin
The Friday Project, June 2015

The Living and the Dead in Winsford
by Håkan Nesser, translated by Laurie Thompson
Mantle, July 2015

A Summer With Kim Novak
by Håkan Nesser, translated by Saskia Vogel
World Editions, June 2015

The Chosen
by Kristina Ohlsson, translated by Marlaine Delargy
Simon & Schuster, December 2015

The Poet Who Created Herself: Selected Letters of Edith Södergran
by Edith Södergran, translated by Silvester Mazzarella
Norvik Press, June 2015

by Stefan Spjut, translated by Susan Beard
Faber & Faber, February 2015

Still Waters
by Viveca Sten, translated by Marlaine Delargy
Amazon Crossing, October 2015

The Winter War
by Philip Teir, translated by Tiina Nunnally
Serpent's Tail, January 2015

The Voices Beyond
by Johan Theorin, translated by Marlaine Delargy
Transworld, July 2015

Deep Sea
by Annika Thor, translated by Linda Schenck
Delacorte Press, January 2015

Bright Scythe: Selected Poems
by Thomas Tranströmer, translated by Patty Crane
Sarabande Books, November 2015

The Beige Man
by Helene Tursten, translated by Marlaine Delargy
Soho Press, February 2015

The Boy in the Shadows
by Carl-Johan Vallgren, translated by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Quercus, January 2015