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Henning Koch

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Fåglar i staden

It is surprising to learn that we now readily accept the presence of mallards, swans, cormorants, mandarin ducks, tufted ducks, goldeneye and a host of other species, all of which were wholly unknown in urban or built-up areas a hundred years ago.

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Fallet Thomas Quick – Att skapa en seriemördarare

This is not some lurid tale of a serial killer, but an examination of what happens when complex social structures such as the legal system or healthcare fall prey to enthusiastic or misguided professionals. This book bites back at the therapists, police and lawyers who for some reason viewed this patient – Sture Bergwall, also known as Thomas Quick – as a professional battleground.

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Tolv månader i skugga

As we move smoothly and cinematically between locations, we sense that a secondary purpose of the author is to muddy the division between autobiography and fiction. Even our own lives are stories, after all, in which we figure as the heroes. Can anyone know this better than a filmmaker?

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What sets Dick Harrison and Kristina Svensson's book apart from many Viking studies is its detailed use of archaeology – in many cases a more reliable source of information than the Icelandic sagas.