Arra. Legender från Lavora
Arra has never spoken a word, but has learnt to recognise and sing all the songs of the trees and the river.
62 dagar
A masterly portrayal of small, frightened teenage souls trapped in growing, awkward, sweaty bodies.
This picture book for three to six year olds is a welcome addition to any child’s bookshelf but to their parents’ coffee table as well.
Resan till världens farligaste land
Inspired by classic stories and computer adventure games.
Elden och döttrarna. Valda och nya dikter
New poems, interlaced with older ones – old favourites.
Medealand och andra pjäser
These plays provide a genuinely compelling narrative experience in their own right.
The powerful mixture of fantasy and grim social realism works well in this haunting novel.
Handberg's novel hauntingly describes that strange, becalmed yet activity-filled bubble we inhabit between the death and funeral of a parent.
Ondskans pris
The historical setting of the story is as important as the investigative aspect of it.
Snuten i skymningslandet. Svenska polisberättelser i roman och film 1965–2010
A great source of information and an articulate companion to crime fiction as a literary genre.
Death in a Cold Climate
This book simply had to be reviewed here: not only is this what could quite fairly be described as the definitive book to date on Scandinavian crime fiction in the English language, but it is a work which strongly features the theme of translation itself.
Tolv månader i skugga
As we move smoothly and cinematically between locations, we sense that a secondary purpose of the author is to muddy the division between autobiography and fiction. Even our own lives are stories, after all, in which we figure as the heroes. Can anyone know this better than a filmmaker?
Knapptryckarkompaniet. Rapport från Sveriges riksdag
The author’s personal and frankly partisan account of a period as a Member of Parliament.
Kunskapen och makten. Om det offentliga beslutfattandets kunskapsförsörjning
Intelligent discussion of democratic political processes.
Sverige forever in my heart
Orrenius is a smart journalist with a keen eye for paradoxes in legal systems and widely held beliefs. He lets people talk freely while he interviews them and, rather than ending an article with his own conclusions, he lets the reader draw their own.
Det enda könet. Varför du är förförd av den ekonomiske mannen och hur det förstör ditt liv och världsekonomin
Thought-provoking non-fiction on how women are left out of the study of economics and human behaviour, and how this affects human understanding of the world economy.
Dag ut och dag in med en dag i Dublin
A collection of Andersson’s reflections on his experiences while translating James Joyce.
August Strindberg the Journalist
Agnes Broomé examines August Strindberg's career as a journalist.
The Artist as a Young Man
Elettra Carbone explores Strindberg's representation of the young Danish sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen in his first play, 'I Rom'.
from The New Kingdom by August Strindberg
An extract from a volume of satirical sketches and short stories written in 1882, in which Strindberg takes aim at some of his critics.
Translated by Peter Graves
Strindberg in My Life
Author, translator and theatre director Eivor Martinus reveals her personal journey exploring Strindberg's craft.
The Commemoration of the Strindberg Centenary of 1949 in Britain
Charlotte Purkis highlights 1949 as a crucial turning point for Strindberg's reputation in Britain.
Strindberg Illustrated
A survey of Strindberg-inspired graphic novels and similar works, by Ruth Urbom.
August Strindberg 1912-2012:
translators' perspectives on the Strindberg centenary
Poems by Stig Dagerman and fiction by Lotta Lotass and Kjell Westö