Sensibility, Anguish and Humour
Eric Dickens examines the poetry and prose of Mare Kandre (1962-2005)
from Aliide, Aliide by Mare Kandre
A small girl lost in the world and experiencing for the first time the confusions and horrors of life.
Translated by Eric Dickens
Någon annanstans i Sverige
Hans Gunnarsson is one of the best chroniclers of contemporary life in Sweden.
Den osynliga
Lise Indahl's first novel for young readers is much more than the ghost story it seems at first to be, as the mysteries that unfold all have their explanations in the concrete world and raise serious questions about social reality in contemporary Sweden.
Invasion! Pjäser noveller texter
This book brings together plays, short stories and columns by Jonas Hassen Khemiri. The result is linguistic experimentation at its funniest.
Kicki & Lasse
Seasoned author Peter Kihlgård is bidding for our attention with an experiment in form.
Filologens dröm
Björn Larsson's short stories, set in the world of academia, are light-hearted, ironical Tales of the Joys of Discovery.
Henning Mankell’s novel is a fascinating and intriguing murder mystery. But it is also much more than that.
En dramatikers dagbok
The reader is drawn in by Lars Norén’s warts-and-all portrayal of a sensitive but self-centred artist battling with depression and a mid-life crisis.
En handfull regn
A literary confrontation with the fact of the suicide of a boyhood friend in the late 70s, this is the book Niklas Rådström spent thirty years not writing.
När tiden tog slut
Göran Sahlberg's exuberant yet wistful novel with its vivid, tragic-comic account of a very unusual childhood evokes an era when Sweden felt it stood centre-stage in the world.
Fem knivar hade Andrej Krapl
The five knives become the leitmotif of Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo's novel. One of these knives, which have ornately decorated handles, is carried in a rather unusual place: its blade is tucked into a hymn book which is, in turn, tucked down the back of the young woman’s trousers, causing abrasions on her back.
Lusten och dämonerna - Boken om Bergman
Mikael Timm's portrait of Ingmar Bergman through his work.
Klas Östergren's novel based on Old Norse tales reimagines the gods as a Mafia-like clan.