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Memorial extract

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Issue number: 2024:2


from Memorial

by Alejandro Leiva Wenger

translated by May-Brit Akerholt

When Sackarias suddenly passes away, Jon accepts an invitation to attend his memorial service, flattered to be considered one of the deceased’s closest high-school friends. There is only one problem: Jon has no memory of who Sackarias is.

Arriving at the service with his girlfriend, Rosmarie, in tow, Jon finds a small group of people – Sackarias’s mother Minna, estranged father Hugo, sister Lethe, and recent friend, Kujje – who all nurture wildly different visions of the man they have lost. When they turn to Jon for insight into his supposed friend, it sparks a high-stakes improvisation game, where Jon, ever-eager to please, twists and turns every crumb of information he knows about Sackarias into something that he hopes will spark meaning and recognition in his loved ones. But who was the real Sackarias?

An ingeniously crafted comedy that plays out like a thriller, Memorial explores loss, the malleability of memory, language and its loopholes, and the narratives we tell ourselves about those we love. Elegantly interweaving existential questions with a wry, occasionally absurd humour, playwright Alejandro Leiva Wenger affirms his status as a leading voice in contemporary Swedish theatre.

This excerpt is taken from the opening of the play’s second act, when Jon and Rosmarie have just arrived at the memorial event. Upon hearing that Sackarias died falling from the Pulpit – a mountain in Norway – Jon wrongly jumps to the conclusion that Sackarias was a priest, with painful results.

Actors dancing in the spotlight in a performance of Alejandro Leiva Wenger's Memorial.
Actors in a performance of Minnesstund ('Memorial') at Stockholm City Theatre, 2016. Photo: Bengt Wanselius.


from Memorial

Play in two acts

Duration: 105 minutes
Cast size: 6 people

Act 2: Scene 14

A while later. The living room. Everyone except Minna and Lethe. Embarrassing silence. Jon and Rosmarie glance nervously at each other. Kujje stares at Jon. Hugo glances silently and sullenly at the three of them.

It’s quite cold today?

Pause. Hugo glances at her, at Jon. Jon is about to say something but waits for Hugo’s response.

HUGO (Grimly)
I don't think so.

Not really, I don't think so either.

No, just a little colder than yesterday, maybe, but still quite warm to be

No. It was colder yesterday.

Yes, that’s right, I agree.

Rosmarie glances at Jon, a little offended. Minna and Lethe enter with trays of sandwiches, coffee, wine. Lethe’s tray vibrates.

Here are a few sandwiches that we

LETHE (Almost dropping the tray)

Rosmarie helps her to put down the tray.

LETHE (Her right hand quivering)
Oh, thanks...

How are you, dear?

LETHE (Caresses her right wrist)
Oh it’s, it’s...

Hugo looks worriedly at Lethe. Minna begins to hand out glasses, changes the topic.

We were just saying that we have so many eggs at home, there was this boy who was driving past last weekend, selling

ROSMARIE (Looks at Jon)

I felt sorry for him. He was standing
there in the rain, totally soaked. So you’re getting egg sandwiches and... (Jon and Rosmarie look at each other. They’re all standing there holding a glass of wine) Yees. Ch-cheers then for... yes.

Jon and Rosmarie raise their glasses but as soon as Minna has said 'cheers' everyone has their glasses to their mouths. Kujje drinks his in one swallow.

MINNA (To Kujje and Jon)
Have you met, by the way?

JON (Looks at Kujje)
Yes? Or? No?

Kujje looks at Jon, shakes his head.

MINNA (To Kujje)
Jon and Sackarias used to play guitar together. But that was at high school, before you...

HUGO (To Jon and Rosmarie)
Welcome then, I understand that my son talked a lot about you and, and
yes, how nice, very nice cheers!

Everyone drinks.

But Jon, surely you’ve met Sanja?

JON (Rosemarie looks nervously at him)

Sackarias’s girlfriend? Didn't she used to come with you to the beach, when you were playing?

ROSMARIE (Tries to save him)
I, I think Jon perhaps 

JON (Seems to remember something)
The beach? Hang on... yes...

Short black hair?

JON (Thoughtfully, also looking at Rosmarie)
Yes of course, it... Was her name Sanja? I
I mean, at the time I

I don't understand... ?

Brief pause. Jon opens his mouth but nothing comes out, looks at Rosmarie.

Sorry, Jon has
he’s been so upset all week, it’s difficult for him to talk about, about, yes... (She pats Jon’s arm)

Yes. Yes I understand. As close as you were... It’s hard for all of us. (Pause) But I’m so glad you’re here, Jon, yes, that you’re all here wanting to share this...

She stops, stands and stares ahead with empty eyes. Long pause. The others look nervously at each other.



MINNA (With a start. Breathes fast)
S-sorry, I ... I thought I heard his voice? It was just as if he... (Touches her neck. Her voice falters) Sorry, it’s just that, sometimes I feel that he 
but you didn't hear anything?

Silence, they shake their heads.

Could I ask
what did he say?

Jon gives Rosmarie an annoyed look.

MINNA (Tries to laugh)
It’s so silly, let’s forget it...

No tell us, what
what did he say?

MINNA (Pause)
Well... He just said:
Mum, haven’t you forgotten something? Aren’t you going to offer them quince marmalade? My favourite?’

Scene 15

A little later, different lighting. Kujje follows the conversation sceptically, scratches his head. Lethe massages her right hand now and then. Minna keeps close to Jon.

I can’t believe you’re here. It was Sackarias’s great wish to see you again.

Was it?

Oh yes. He never stopped talking about you...

JON (Flattered)
Is that right?

He said so often, on the phone
that he wanted to contact you again. But I don't think he actually dared to?


You see, he really looked up to you. So much so that it was unhealthy, in fact.

ROSMARIE (About Jon)
Did he look up to him?

JON (To Rosmarie)
So what, is that so strange?

ROSMARIE (Confused)
But Jon, that’s not what I...

How do you remember him? Why don't you tell us a little?

JON (Pause)
How I remember him? Or rather how I remember him? Because I’m thinking, it depends a little on how you
in connection with the question

MINNA (Interrupts)
I just mean: how was he, as a friend?

JON (Clears his throat. Looks around. Tentatively)
I want to remember him as... a believer. Obviously. As a strong believer. (Minna leans forward, as if she doesn
t quite understand) He was very pious from the time I knew him.

Pious, how do you mean pious?

JON (Swallows)
Yes, I
I’m not very familiar with religion and all that but he, he saw it as his calling to serve a higher, well, meaning

MINNA (Interrupts)
You mean that he was
spiritual, so to speak?

That’s what I mean, yes.

PANG! Everyone jumps and looks at Kujje, who has hit himself in the neck again. Short pause. Minna continues.

Yes, I suppose he was spiritual in his own way. Both curious and intellectually seeking
... He had a, let’s say, a philosophical vein

HUGO (Sighs. Ironically)
Yes, oh yes.

This may sound a bit strange, but Sackarias always said that he wanted to be a
a good person...

Hm, hm.

He wanted to be cleansed. Cleansed of envy and egotism and... (To Hugo) And I said to him:
But Sackarias, you’re not an evil person? You’ve never wronged anyone?

HUGO (Hardly audible)
No, of course not.

And that’s when he mentioned you, Jon.

JON (Flattered, looks at Rosmarie)

MINNA (Goes closer to the audience, her back to the others
You were so generous. Considerate and forgiving. He said. And he asked me:
Mum, why aren’t I more like Jon? He never speaks badly about anyone, he’s never happy about other people’s misfortune, he’s truly a a good person. (Pause) That’s what he said.

JON (Touched, a little proud)
Well well. (Looks at Rosmarie, who seems confused) I don't know what to say?

HUGO (To Jon)
And as he spoke, the heavens opened up and he saw God’s spirit coming down as a quilt, sinking down over him

MINNA (Turns around and cries)
Hugo! Don’t! I won’t let you do that

HUGO (Sincerely)
Sorry... (Pause). Sorry.

Alejandro Leiva Wenger standing in front of staircase
Alejandro Leiva Wenger. Photo: Sara P. Borgström.


Premiere: 2016, Stockholm City Theatre

Rights: Colombine Teaterförlag

We are grateful to Colombine Teaterförlag, Alejandro Leiva Wenger and May-Brit Akerholt for permission to publish this translated excerpt.

Alejandro Leiva Wenger is a playwright and writer. He made his dramatic debut with the monologue 127, which premiered at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts in 2011. Subsequent plays have included Författarna (‘The Authors’, 2013, Unga Klara), the radio play No Limit (2015), the musical Folkbokförarna (‘The Recordkeepers’, 2016, Folkteatern Gothenburg), and Minnesstund (‘Memorial’, 2016, Stockholm City Theatre).