from The Young Ones We Kill by Eija Hetekivi Olsson
Eija Hetekivi Olsson's latest novel is both a sharp, sprightly-worded social commentary on how society treats its marginalised youths, and a warm rendering of a steadfast mother-daughter bond.
Translated by Sophie Ruthven.
from Not Your Baby by Seluah Alsaati
Seluah Alsaati's award-winning, razor-sharp YA debut explores what it means to find yourself in a destructive relationship, and how to find your way back to yourself.
Translated by Sophie Ruthven.
from Hang City by Mikael Yvesand
In his debut novel, which won the 2023 Borås Tidning's Debut Prize, Yvesand has perfectly captured the dreaminess not only of bright, long summers but also the voice and energy of a thirteen-year-old.
Translated by Sophie Ruthven.
Inte din baby
In Seluah Alsaati’s Not Your Baby we meet Samira: star football player and burgeoning rapper, perhaps the next Cardi B. She knows who her friends are, and what she wants from a guy – three simple demands, nothing complicated. Then she meets Nabil, and her whole world is turned upside down ... and not totally for the better.
Reviews highlights series
Books for Young Adults
A curated list of outstanding fiction for young adults, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Vi ska ju bara cykla förbi
Manda and her best friend Malin are inseparable. In We'll just ride past, it's them against their small-town world... or not so much ‘against’ but outside it, cycling round the periphery of anything thrilling, as the end of the school year looms and with it the end of their compulsory education.
In Jonas Gren's The Chromosome Park, Ella navigates genetic illness and loss in a world where reflective cloth covers the ground in an attempt to reflect the sun's warmth back into space, and a thousand small, organic volcanoes are utilised to build a protective layer to shield Earth.
Häng City
Luleå, northern Sweden, 1999. Summer is just beginning, and for three boys on the edge of teenagerdom, long months of freedom beckon. In Mikael Yvesand's Hang City adventure is always round the corner – and sometimes right under your nose. If you can see that far.
A classic dystopia, The Land of Sleep is simultaneously a pandemic and a postbellum novel, where human life nosedives amidst a potent mix of societal collapse and rampant infectious disease. For sex worker Nolan, there appears to be no possible change on the horizon — until he meets the political wunderkind Lum and is thrown right into the eye of the storm.
What is evil, and how does it relate to who we are? Is the desert the setting of Sami Said's thematically heavy, yet lyrically light novel, or is it the emotional world itself? There is life in every corner, but is the desert chiefly pregnant with miracles, or evil?
Röd sol
Surrounded by heat in a tremulous world, India and Kallas answer an invitation from Kallas’ childhood best friend to leave summer in the city behind and visit her by the sea. Her garden house is an oasis, but in Red Sun nowhere is without a sense of unease.
Together since childhood, it is no longer possible for Melvin and his friends to take their bonds for granted, nor assume what those bonds mean for each other anymore in Mikael Berglund’s novel Slush.