Translated Books from Gecko Press: Curiously Good
SBR interviews children’s book publisher Julia Marshall
Laurie Thompson (1938-2015)
Laurie Thompson was an outstanding and prolific literary translator. He also had a distinguished academic
career, and had a major impact on the promotion of Swedish language, literature and culture in the UK.
The Tove Jansson Centennial Conference
Silvester Mazzarella reports on Tove Jansson Centennial Conference held at the University of Stockholm, 27-28 November 2014.
A Farewell to Age Restrictions?
Agnes Broomé and Nichola Smalley explore the rise of crossover fiction in Swedish.
Unicorns and Witches
Charlotte Berry investigates the world of author and illustrator Irmelin Sandman Lilius.
The Finland-Swedish Literary Landscape Today
An introduction to cool Swedish titles from Finland.
by Tiia Strandén
Beyond Moomin Valley
There is more to Tove Jansson than the Moomins. Claire Dickenson looks at the short stories and novels she wrote for adults.
Who Actually Are Translaors of the Scandinavian Languages?
Ian Giles examines the impact of receptive multilingualism on practising translators and uncovers some other details about their careers.
What's Wrong With Entertainment?
Helena Forsås-Scott examines Kerstin Ekman's Grand final i skojarbranschen and looks at why novels still matter.
Time-Travelling Translators
Ruth Urbom reports on a 2013 literary translation workshop featuring a novel by Anna-Karin Palm.
The Artist as a Young Man
Elettra Carbone explores Strindberg's representation of the young Danish sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen in his first play, 'I Rom'.
Strindberg Illustrated
A survey of Strindberg-inspired graphic novels and similar works, by Ruth Urbom.
Strindberg in My Life
Author, translator and theatre director Eivor Martinus reveals her personal journey exploring Strindberg's craft.
August Strindberg the Journalist
Agnes Broomé examines August Strindberg's career as a journalist.
The Commemoration of the Strindberg Centenary of 1949 in Britain
Charlotte Purkis highlights 1949 as a crucial turning point for Strindberg's reputation in Britain.
Lotta Lotass: Experimental Author of Fiction and Drama
Eric Dickens looks at how one author tests the limits of experimentation and readability.
Inventing an Idiolect: Report from a Workshop on Translating Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Ruth Urbom and Nichola Smalley report from an afternoon-long translation workshop that explored different strategies for translating Jonas Hassen Khemiri's vivid language into English.
Selma Lagerlöf: Nils Holgersson’s Wonderful Journey
In this heartfelt essay, Paul Binding reflects upon Selma Lagerlöf’s classic The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson.