from Twilight Over Europe by Alexander Koistinen
In this debut novel set in the not-too-distant future Alexander Koistinen follows the work of Swedish protagonist Axel Hägerstedt in his work for the EU in Brussels.
Translated by Ian Giles
At Your Side: The Role of Literary Agents on the Swedish Market
Elin Klemetz takes an in-depth look at what literary agents working in Sweden do, and whether having one is always in a writer's best interest.
Translated by Ian Giles.
Help wanted: How Swedish Agents Work with Authors at Different Stages
Elin Klemetz explores how agents adjust their approach and terms according to an author’s situation.
Translated by Ian Giles.
‘The Joy of Translating is Gone’ by Yukiko Duke
In this moving essay, journalist Yukiko Duke looks back on the deeply personal process of translating the works of Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami with her mother, Eiko Duke.
Translated by Ian Giles.
Winner of the CWA International Dagger
Marlaine Delargy has been shortlisted for the Crime Writers’ Association International Dagger on four different occasions and has won twice. In interview with Ian Giles she explains how she came to specialise in translating crime fiction.
The inside view from Swedish Literature Exchange
Ian Giles interviews Susanne Bergström Larsson, Head of Swedish Literature Exchange.
A Career in Swedish Literary Translation
Ian Giles interviews Sarah Death, literary translator and editor of SBR from 2003 to 2014, who was awarded the Order of the Polar Star in 2014 for her services to Swedish literature and language abroad.
Tjuren från Solna
In his sixth novel Gunnar Ardelius returns to key issues facing young Swedes in the modern world.
Slutet på sommaren
Former police officer Anders de la Motte's suspenseful crime novel was nominated Best Swedish Crime Novel Award by the Swedish Academy of Crime Writers.
Våran hud, värat blod, våra ben
These short stories may simply be too frightening – or perhaps unnerving – for some readers.
Jag är tyvärr död och kan inte komma till skolan idag
This is the kind of book likely to elicit the attention of gatekeepers in the world of YA fiction.
Där solen aldrig går ned
Journalist Henrik Brandão Jönsson's fourth book is a short history of the Lusophone world that brings together several of the key Portuguese-speaking nations in one volume, providing insight into parts of the world readers may know little to nothing about.
Svart sol
A woman is admitted to a secure psychiatric ward claiming she needs to prevent a terrorist attack. In the suspenseful thriller Black sun, Andreas Norman unpicks a white supremacist conspiracy to assassinate the Swedish prime minister.
In a post-apocalyptic dystopian world of the not-too-distant future, the global order as we know it has collapsed. Nattavaara, a strong example of speculative fiction, explores what it takes to survive in the fictional nation of Nordmark in this new era.
Reviews highlights series
Thrilling Page-Turners
A curated list of thrilling page-turners to lose yourself in, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.
Reviews highlights series
Books for Young Adults
A curated list of outstanding fiction for young adults, as reviewed in Swedish Book Review.