from Confused by Aino Trosell
This extract is the opening of an unsettling story from Aino Trosell’s collection of Krimineller (‘Criminelles’, or crime-fiction short stories). ‘Confused’ describes the fate of an undocumented migrant to Sweden.
Translated by Laurie Thompson
from Blood is Thicker than Water by Astrid Trotzig
In this book Astrid Trotzig takes us back to Korea, the country of her birth, and describes her feelings of ambivalence at being neither Swedish nor Korean.
Translated by Lo Nathamundi
My Friend at Gondolen; I by Jonas Karlsson
'My Friend at Gondolen' is the first of two stories by Jonas Karlsson that formed the basis for the feature film Stockholm Stories, 2013, in which he starred.
Translated by Linda Schenck
The Tove Jansson Centennial Conference
Silvester Mazzarella reports on Tove Jansson Centennial Conference held at the University of Stockholm, 27-28 November 2014.
compiled and edited by Fiona Graham
Kättarnas tempel
The historical novel – often long, usually impressively researched – is very much alive.
Beckomberga – Ode till min familj
Beckomberga Hospital was once Europe’s largest mental institution.
De utvalda
Sem-Sandberg is a masterly analyst who has chosen to present his observations in fiction rather than in historical works.
Med sina läppars svalka
Kallifatides has created a powerful portrait of a remarkable woman, who overcomes the privations of her childhood to become a respected painter of icons.
Tre systrar och en berättare
‘The night before Ulla-Maj Holm, retired school director and former Member of the Finnish Parliament for the Swedish People’s Party in the constituency of Vaasa north, vanished without trace from the Norrvalla Rehab Centre, she dreamed about the first night of a play that never took place’.
Ett så starkt ljus
Her Stockholm is cold, exposed and lonely, and her protagonist and narrator more often than not wanders the streets alone, rejected by both lovers and society.
She has an understanding of environmental chemistry, mathematics and meteorology – but when it comes to people…
Det röda arvet
A complicated but nicely plotted cloak-and-dagger thriller, sweetened by an affair of the heart, inside a narrative framework based on recent and not-so-recent historical fact.
Do not choose to read it alone, in a house with many large, curtainless windows, standing on its own.
Bobo i apskolan
The playfulness thinly veils a more serious message – the lack of status afforded to education and learning in modern society.
Nu leker vi den fula ankungen
This book will appeal to those looking for an unusual retelling of a world classic, this time by two children playing ‘Let’s Pretend’.
Ett stort lidande har kommit över oss. Historien om trettioåriga kriget
Harrison has produced an outstandingly readable book that delivers a clear account of the War, skilful assessment of its events, consequences and personalities, and valuable insights into the lives of those caught up in its mesh.
Doktor Nasser har ingen bil: Kairo i omvälvningens tid
Thunander lets the people she meets speak for themselves – much of the text is directly quoted dialogue.
Gränsbrytarna: den globala migrationen och nationalismens murar
‘None of us can say we didn’t know. Now you know too’.
Racismen i Sverige
A collection of texts that offer possible solutions to apparently insurmountable problems.
Åka skridskor i Warszawa
When Emilia finally ‘comes home’, little of what she remembers still stands in the new Euro-Poland. What was that past of hers – a dream?
Blod är tjockare än vatten
Memoir, travel writing, adoption studies, cultural studies, sociology, philosophy, essays, Sweden, South Korea.