(The August Prize)
Founded by the Swedish Publishers’ Association in 1989, Augustpriset (named after Swedish author August Strindberg) is one of Sweden’s most prestigious literary prizes. It is awarded in three categories: Best Swedish Fiction Book of the Year, Best Swedish Non-Fiction Book of the Year, and Best Swedish Children’s Book of the Year. Nominees are selected by a jury for each category, after which reader groups consisting of booksellers, librarians and critics elect the winners.

Best Swedish Fiction Book
Kungen av Nostratien (‘The King of Nostratia’) by Tony Samuelsson
Brorsan, Krabban och Lädret (‘Brother, Crab, and Leather’) by Linus Gårdfeldt
Hyper by Agri Ismaïl
Samma, mamma (‘Same, Mamma’) by Hanna Rajs
Den första boken (‘The First Book’) by Karolina Ramqvist
Hundnätter (‘Dog Nights’) by Mirja Unge (review)

Best Swedish Non-Fiction Book
Ett liv värt att leva (‘Suicide for Beginners: A Social History and Modern Perspective on Life and Death’) by Christian Rück
Fängslade öden (‘Captured Fates: Thieves and Swindlers in 19th-Century Sweden’) by Bonnie Clementsson
De hemliga breven (‘The Secret Letters: The Political Family and Everyday Conversations’) by Kaj Fölster, Bosse Lindquist and Janken Myrdal
Oland (‘Oland. Sweden's Forgotten Hollywood Star’) by Kim Khavar Fahlsted
Varje tugga är en tanke (‘Every Bite is a Thought. Swedish Food Culture over 800 Years’) by Richard Tellström
Skogen (‘The Forest. In Folklore, Legends, and Sagas’) by Tora Wall

Best Swedish Children’s Book
Chop chop. En tapper jordbos berättelse (‘Chop Chop – The Story of a Busy Robot’) by Linda Bondestam
Barrbarnet (‘The Pine Needle Child’) by Klara Bartilsson
En djungelsaga (‘A Jungle Tale’) by Jenny Bergman and Lotta Geffenblad
Brorsans kompis Robban (‘My Brother’s Friend Robban’) by Maja Hjertzell and Joanna Hellgren
Utan att passera gå (‘Without Passing Go’) by Lova Lakso
Ingen utom jag (‘Nobody But Me’) by Sara Lundberg
Sveriges Författarförbund: Katapultpriset & Slangbellan
(The Swedish Writers’ Union: The Catapult Prize & The Slingshot Prize)
Every year, Sveriges Författarförbund awards four literary prizes: Katapultpriset, for the year’s best Swedish fiction debut; Slangbellan, for the year’s best debut in literature for children and young adults; Translation of the Year; and the Elsa Thulin Prize for outstanding achievement in translation. All of the winners and nominees are selected by a jury for each of the union's divisions. Katapultpriset and Slangbellan both aim to bring new works into the spotlight, and to support emerging voices in literature.

Best Swedish Fiction Debut
Ingen ro om natten (‘Restless Nights’) by Karl Kofi Ahlqvist (review)
Karlsbad by Channa Riedel
Mjölkat (‘The Milking’) by Sanna Samuelsson
En oändligt lång vår (‘An Infinitely Long Spring’) by Lida Starodubtseva
Territoriella anspråk (‘Territorial Claims’) by Frans Wachtmeister

Best Swedish Debut in Literature for Children and Young Adults
Kuben (‘The History of the Wilderness: The Cube’) by Nils Lundkvist (review)
Bror (‘Brother’) by Alex Khourie
Dödsramsan (‘The Death Chant’) by Max Byström Beydogan
Borås Tidnings Debutantpris
(Borås Newspaper's Debutant Prize)
Borås Tidnings Debutantpris is one of Sweden's most important prizes for literary debutants, created by newspaper Borås Tidning to promote and nurture exciting new voices in literature. The winner is selected by a jury.

Best Swedish Literary Debut
Mjölkat (‘The Milking’) by Sanna Samuelsson
När bror dör (‘When Brother Dies’) by Emilia Aalto
Det gudomliga tillståndet (‘The Divine Condition’) by Ylva Gripfelt
En oändligt lång vår (‘An Infinitely Long Spring’) by Lida Starodubtseva
Territoriella anspråk (‘Territorial Claims’) by Frans Wachtmeister
Svenska Deckarakademin
(The Swedish Crime Writers' Academy)
Svenska Deckarakademin is a Swedish organization set up in 1971 to promote the writing of detective fiction and crime fiction. As part of its activities, the 24 elected academy members award annual prizes for best Swedish crime novel and best crime novel in translation, among other special prizes.

Best Swedish Crime Novel
Din tid kommer (‘Your Time Will Come’) by Carl-Johan Vallgren
Tiga som muren (‘Silent As The Grave’) by Maria Adolfsson
Längst in i skogen (‘Deep in the Forest’) by Marie Hermansson
Gränsen (‘The Border’) by Magnus Montelius
Skaparen (‘The Creator’) by Jonas Moström and Arne Dahl
The Nordic Council's literature prizes
The Nordic Council awards a number of annual culture prizes in celebration of the Nordic cultural community. This includes two literary prizes, The Nordic Council Literature Prize, and The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize. The prizes are nominated by national members of the adjudicating committee, and are awarded to works of fiction written in one of the Nordic languages.
We have highlighted the Swedish-language nominees here, but the Nordic Council's website offers plenty of information on current and past nominees and winners in every language.

The Nordic Council Literature Prize
Fars rygg (‘Father’s Back’) by Niels Fredrik Dahl (Norway)
Swedish-language nominees:
Vill du kyssa en rebell? (‘Do you want to kiss a rebel?’) by Eva-Stina Byggmästar (Finland)
Minnen från glömskans städer (‘Memories from the cities of forgetfulness’) by Gunnar Harding (Sweden)
Nollamorfa by Johan Jönson (Sweden)
För att ta sig ur en rivström måste man röra sig i sidled (‘To Get out of a Rip Current You Have to Move Sideways’) by Mikaela Nyman (Åland)
Find the full list of nominees here:

The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize
Den fantastiske bus (‘The Fantastic Bus’) by Jakob Martin Strid (Denmark)
Swedish-language nominees:
Skelettet (‘The Skeleton’) by Malin Klingenberg and Maria Sann (Finland, review)
Någons bror (‘Someone’s Brother’) by Viveka Sjögren (Sweden)
Bror (‘Brother’) by Alex Khourie (Sweden)
Freja och huggormen by Fredrik Sonck and Jenny Lucander (Åland, review)
Find the full list of nominees here:
Sveriges Radio
(Swedish Radio)
Sveriges Radio awards annual literary prizes for best novel, poetry, best short story and best children's book. The novel and children's book prizes are somewhat unique in Sweden, as they are selected by juries consisting of readers and book groups, rather than critics or booksellers.

Prize for Swedish Poetry
Det röda är det gränslösa (‘The Red is the Limitless’) by Judith Kiros
Kompression (‘Compression’) by Emil Boss
Kort världshistoria med figurer (‘Short World History with Figures) by Andreas Lundberg
Ruiner. Andra häftet (‘Ruins. Volume II’) by Fredrik Nyberg
Om det fanns en plats som var min (‘If There Was a Place that Was Mine’) by Helena Österlund

Best Swedish Book of the Year for 9-12-Year-Olds
Drakar och Demoner: Uppvaknandet (‘Dragonbane. The Awakening’) by E.P. Uggla
Världens sämsta syster (‘Worst Sister in the World’) by Elin Lindell
Trådar (‘Threads’) by Emma Andersson
Brinn alla hästar (‘Burn, Horses, Burn’) by Helena Hedlund
Fake by Astrid Mohlin
Svenska Yles Litteraturpris
Swedish Yle Literature Prize
Svenska Yle is the Swedish-language branch of Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company. Its literary prize is awarded each year to the best Finland-Swedish book. As of 2023, nominees are selected by the culture section of Svenska Yle. These are then voted for by a reader jury of four people, with a fifth vote representing that of the general public.

Best Finland-Swedish Novel
Det Jakobstad ingen vill ha (‘The Jakobstad No One Wants’) by Rosanna Fellman
Singelmamman (‘Single Mothering’) by Anna Härmälä
Rekviem över en bror (‘Requiem for a Brother’) by Emma Juslin
Marconirummet (‘The Marconi Room’) by Carina Karlsson
Eftermiddag i augusti (‘Afternoon in August’) by Philip Teir