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Book cover of Lena Einhorn

En låda apelsiner

A Crate of Oranges tells the moving real-life story of a Jewish boy and his father forced by persecution to emigrate from Communist Poland.

Book cover of Isabella Nilsson

En bok för Ingen

Nominated for 2023 Nordic Council Literature Prize, A Book For Nobody surprises and delights thanks to Isabella Nilsson’s playful approach to writing about difficult topics.

Book cover of Carl Henrik Carlsson

Judarnas historia i Sverige

Carl Henrik Carlsson's text is a comprehensive and highly readable study of Jewish history in Sweden from the arrival of Aaron Isaac in Ystad in 1774 to the present day.

Book cover of Annica Hedin and Hanna Klinthage

Det som känns förbjudet

This picture book by Annica Hedin takes an innovative approach to exploring knotty moral issues for very young children, aged 3-6 years. It begins with a question – what do we do in secret which we know is wrong, and what happens if somebody notices?

Book cover of Amanda Romare

Halva Malmö består av killar som dumpat mig

In Half of Malmö’s Men Have Dumped Me, Amanda Romare takes the reader on a Mr Toad’s wild ride of sex, laughs and disappointment.

Book cover of Sara Gordan


Sara Gordan’s The Night was received with unanimous, overwhelmingly warm praise for her unique style of novelistic autobiography that focuses on a troubled, loving parenthood.

Book cover of Hédi Fried

Historien om Bodri

The Story of Bodri is a simple introduction to the Holocaust for young children, told from the perspective of a girl and her beloved dog.

Book cover of Christoffer Carlsson

Levande och döda

An excellent whodunnit as well as a sharp social and psychological drama about peoples’ lives, loves and unavoidable tragedies, The Living and the Dead shows Christoffer Carlsson on home ground in Halland.

Göran Bergengren among tall mullain plants.

from The Purpose of Bees by Göran Bergengren

In short, captivating essays that blend personal experience with extraordinary facts, Bergengren celebrates the remarkable lives of bees and the role that they play in our world.
Translated by Fiona Graham.

A drop of water magnifies a heather plant


Featuring works by Majgull Axelsson, Göran Bergengren, Martin Björklind, Thella Johnson, Marit Kapla, Nora Khalil and more.

Book cover of Maria Hellbom


In Maria Hellbom’s many-layered, enchanting children’s fantasy novels, two pre-teen protagonists team up with age-old, local mythical creatures and animals in order to save their rural community, its people, forests and animals from fire and exploitation.

Book cover of Maria Hellbom


In Maria Hellbom’s many-layered, enchanting children’s fantasy novels, two pre-teen protagonists team up with age-old, local mythical creatures and animals in order to save their rural community, its people, forests and animals from fire and exploitation.

Book cover of Maxim Grigoriev


Stylistically breathtaking, Maxim Grigoriev’s The Rain is a hypnotic ode to a city being hollowed by gentrification, as told through the fragmented conversations of a young group of residents.

Book cover of Lotta Geffenblad

Tora och Tytte motionerar

In Lotta Geffenblad’s life-affirming and humorous picturebooks about the lovably odd couple Tora and Tytte, size does not matter if you care for one another. Together the couple explores everyday chores with unexpected, hilarious results and a deep sense of the small pleasures of everyday life.

Book cover of Lotta Geffenblad

Tora och Tytte planterar

In Lotta Geffenblad’s life-affirming and humorous picturebooks about the lovably odd couple Tora and Tytte, size does not matter if you care for one another. Together the couple explores everyday chores with unexpected, hilarious results and a deep sense of the small pleasures of everyday life.

book cover of Peter Kadhammar

Maos Hibiskus

Mao’s Hibiscus is a story of a decades’ long friendship between former Maoists, cemented by the obligation to look after a suitcase of money. They eventually invest the money, but their investment has fatal consequences, and everything points to the involvement of the Russian secret services.

Book cover of Mikael Yvesand

Häng City

Luleå, northern Sweden, 1999. Summer is just beginning, and for three boys on the edge of teenagerdom, long months of freedom beckon. In Mikael Yvesand's Hang City adventure is always round the corner – and sometimes right under your nose. If you can see that far.

Book cover of Nina Ulmaja

En annan Edith

Best known for her poetry, Edith Södergran (1892 – 1923) also left a substantial body of photography. In Another Edith, award-winning book designer Nina Ulmaja analyses some of these photos and links them to Södergran’s biography – and her own.

Book cover of Linda Jones

De tar allt ifrån mig

In They’re Taking Everything Away from Me, An intense YA novel set in Northern Sweden, Linda Jones describes Frida, a fifteen-year-old coming of age in a community that is falling apart.

Book cover of Johanna Frid

Haralds mamma

Johanna Frid´s novel Harald’s Mother charts a difficult relationship between a mother and her daughter-in-law. It is a funny but at the same time deeply poignant take on love, family and relationships. A perfect read for book club discussions.

book cover of Inger Edelfeldt

De som ger sig av

Inger Edelfeldt's Scheherazade-like sequence for today’s fantasy fans weaves an unsettling tale of suppression of freedom in multiple worlds and provides a pithy commentary on the mechanics of storytelling in the process.

Black-and-white photo of Stig Dagerman from the 40s

Stig Dagerman at 100

Bengt Söderhäll, Chair and Co-founder of the Stig Dagerman Society, discusses Stig Dagerman’s lasting legacy and impact, and some of the events taking place to mark his centenary.
Translated by Alex Fleming

Marit Kapla wearing an olive blazer standing in front of a lake setting.

from Love in Swedish by Marit Kapla

Marit Kapla marries prose poetry with investigative journalism to create poignant portrayal of the conditions of love in our time.
Translated by Linda Schenck.

Eivor Martinus smiles at the camera, sitting in a relaxed pose wearing a colourful summer blouse.

Eivor Martinus 1943-2023

Tom Geddes celebrates the life of Eivor Martinus, a writer, prolific translator of Swedish literature and drama, and teacher of language and literature.

Young woman wearing peach-coloured hijab and a pink jacket smiles at the camera in front of yellow building.

from Yani by Nora Khalil

In her August-Prize-nominated Yani, Nora Khalil tells a collective coming-of-age story about alienation and belonging among a close-knit group of friends in suburban Stockholm.
Translated by Catherine Venner.

Black-and-white photo of a man with long hair and a beard, wearing a flower-print shirt.

from A Third World by Martin Björklind

Martin Björklind's debut novel, a philosophical metropolitan thriller, reaches beyond the physical world to offer a reflection on the nature of reality.
Translated by Neil Betteridge.

Thella Johnson wearing a chequered shirt and red lipstick looks askance at the camera.

from Peace by Thella Johnson

Thella Johnson's debut novel is a tender portrayal of an unforgettable family and the post-war people of Sweden and Finland, two countries close as siblings.
Translated by Nichola Smalley.

Woman with shoulder-length brown hair and glasses squints into camera in front of urban lake landscape.

from The Flight of the Swallows by Majgull Axelsson

In Majgull Axelsson's latest novel, an aging psychologist feels a surprising affinity for an abused teenager who enters her office with a combative demeanour and an armour of foul language.
Translated by Kathy Saranpa.